When the last day of your classes approaches, you will probably be stuck listening to an hour of lecture and at the end the professor says "Have a good summer, thank you for coming". However, the last day of my advertising class, my professor decided to do a different approach. On the last day, we listened to FSU Advertising students present their advertising campaign strategy which they will present and compete in nationally. After the 20 minute presentation, my classmates and I expected to leave the class immediately with a typical professor farewell, but not according to my professor. The first time in my college career my professor gave the class a lesson on life. Before you make any conclusion, just listen. He started off talking about a young man who went to college (FSU that was), graduated, got a high paid job at a huge ad firm, made 6 figures or more, and bought what money could buy him- Rolex, Jaguar, Porsche, etc. This man was him. So how did he end up a professor at FSU? After awhile he realized he wasn't doing what he loved and wasn't happy. After his story, he went on to explain something any other of our professor will teach us in class. He told my class to pursue our dream, don't ever let anyone prevent you from what you want to do, do what you love, be happy, and do it for the right reasons. This was a very simply version of what he said, he did go into details. But those key facts and the words he said to us, touched me and probably the rest of my classmates. After his 20 minute speech on living your life to how you want to live it and to have fun in college but also know when to be serious, he left us with "I hope you were able to learn something from me (not class material wise), because then my job was accomplished". This was by far the best thing a professor could ever say to his students. I guarantee you this is one thing the students who take his class will always remember, not how to calculate CPM in advertising.