photo diary + nyc
My last week in New York definitely involved A LOT of food- mainly sweets. I made sure I went to Serendipity before I left, and I was smart enough to make reservations so I didn't have to wait for over an hour. The frozen hot chocolate just wasn't enough for me and my friends- were fatties; we added the forbidden chocolate sundae. Lets just say my stomach was swimming in chocolate barely half way through. Other sweet locations I headed to were Magnolia Bakery, Levain Bakery, and Crumbs. All of these were walking distance from the place- horrible horrible horrible- I was staying in the Upper West. I didn't take a picture of it but Pinkberry and 16 Candles (frozen yogurt) along with Donut Plant were also on the list of sweet places I went to my last week- yes, I am a fatty. I definitely choose Crumbs over Magnolia, but Magnolia had a cuter bakery setting. Levain Bakery has the HUGGEST cookies that are soft and delicious in the middle. I wish I had gotten more of the cookies because it's the only thing I've been thinking about since I've been home. Don't judge me but I totally stuffed a Crumbs cupcake in my checked in luggage... ok, you can judge me because I would.
Being the weeping willow that I am, I cried saying all the goodbyes on my last day at work. This summer I had one of the greatest adventures I could ever ask for, and I met some amazing people along the way. It will be different not seeing the same people I spent the last 3 months with, everyday basically 10 hours each day. But I come home with new friendships and perfect memories. This summer will definitely be in the books, but New York hasn't gotten rid of me yet... I am already planning my flight back!