don't stop, won't stop
Since I've been home, I have scurried on to sewing again. I didn't drag my sewing machine 200 miles to be sitting in the corner for 3 weeks. Instead of clothes, I decided to take upon a new task... clutches! I gathered two fabrics from the store and figured I could make about 5 from each fabric. This is just enough to make so I could give some away and possibly sell the rest. My etsy has been dreadfully lacking these past few months and it needs an upgrade. The clutches are very simple and I'm still not done with the little parts yet. I added canvas lining to them to give them a sturdy feel. I may start sewing up a few college team colors for my family this holiday season! {the two fabrics I bought}
{the canvas lining and fabric- excuse my mom's ugly table clothe}
{the length is 14 inches wide}