future planning + not so fall

This week, I've been (stress-fully) planning this weekend's holiday photo shoot. After finally sitting down with the new Editor-in-Chief, we created a whole new theme- which won't be revealed till once it's publish. It's been quite difficult getting clothes from boutiques, since the holiday season has officially approached. The task of finding the right models, scheduling meeting with the photographer and hair stylist/make-up artist, and pulling clothes can be quit difficult and overwhelming. Who would've thought I would already be planning a future photo shoot?? Anyone who knows me, knows that this is normal for me. Always thinking five steps ahead when I should still be on step one. One of our Spring shoots is looking like a very "free people" theme. Only appropriate since all the editors are obsessed with the brand.

finally fall

This past week, I was spending the holidays in 80 degrees. I packed an entire Fall weather wardrobe, only to be greeted by late Spring weather. However, it only took 24 hours for the weather to drop. This morning, I finally put my scarves and boots to good use, since it was barely 60 degrees. While many would much rather take the 80 degrees, I would much rather take the 60 degrees. My scarf collection went from 2 at the beginning of fall to 11, and it's barely December. Winter may be approaching soon, but Fall just came to North Florida. I can't wait till after finals week to kick back by the fire and eat comfort food over the holidays. 

incology + style notes

A few weeks ago, Incology did another photo shoot. This time it featured our members. It was a "low-key" photo shoot. The members did their own makeup & hair, and they also used their own clothes. Why? The idea of the shoot was to bring out their own personal style through their wardrobe.It'll go live on the website before Thanksgiving. But for now, go read the latest updates on INCOLOGY

'tis the season + holiday editorial

A few weeks from today, I'll be putting together another photo shoot. This time we are going holiday themed. The location is still to be determine. I can't decide if I would rather do a Christmas Tree farm (if there is one in Tallahassee), or a white farm stable. Lately, I've been looking for inspiration. 

Dakota & Elle + W Magazine